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19 Ekim 2023

Record target by Başkent EDAŞ in the power transmission investments in the West Black Sea Region

Başkent EDAŞ increased the momentum in energy transmission line renewal and new line establishment projects in the 4 provinces for which it provides services in the West Black Sea region with a record target of TL 3.5 billion with the impact of legal and technical arrangements that facilitated the investments in the field in recent years.

Başkent Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (Başkent EDAŞ) goes to a record in the investments it made in the West Black Sea Region where building new energy lines is challenging with its hilly and mountainous geography.

Thanks to the legal and technical arrangements which opened up the way of establishment of new lines in the countryside by the electricity distribution companies in recent years, Başkent EDAŞ plans to make a record investment of TL 831 million in Bartın, Karabük, Kastamonu and Zonguldak by the end of 2023 and approximately TL 3.5 billion by the end of 2025.

Working with the objective of high-quality and continuous energy in the challenging geography of the region, Başkent EDAŞ continues to renew critical energy transmission lines and to build new energy transmission lines with the purpose of ring.

New line length equal to Türkiye’s land border length

As part of this work, Başkent EDAŞ plans to build a transmission line over a route of 2,550 kilometers by the end of 2025 and the company will complete 792 kilometers of this route by the end of 2023.

The company will build 1,218 kilometers of the total transmission line investments in Kastamonu, 582 kilometers in Zonguldak, 421 kilometers in Karabük and 329 kilometers in Bartın.

By doing so, Başkent EDAŞ will have built new energy lines or renewed existing lines over a length of 2,550 kilometers, which is very close to 2,753 kilometers corresponding to Türkiye’s land borders.

The 2nd longest grid in Türkiye belongs to Başkent EDAŞ

Başkent EDAŞ provides services not only to the provinces in the West Black Sea region, but also to Çankırı and Kırıkkale as well as to Ankara which celebrates the centenary of becoming the capital city this year which the company is named after.

As of the end of 2022, the company was responsible for operating 136,018 kilometers of transmission lines in 7 provinces and 99,322 kilometers of these lines consisted of overhead lines and 36,696 kilometers consisted of underground lines.

Başkent EDAŞ has become the company with the 2nd longest underground distribution line grid in Türkiye after moving some of its lines into the underground, and it is the 2nd biggest company in Türkiye with 4,523,134 consumers and its line length.

On the other hand, top ranking among the distribution companies which make the most investments in Türkiye, Başkent EDAŞ increased its investment from TL 1 billion 692.4 million in 2020 to TL 2 billion 126.4 million in 2021 and to TL 2 billion 100 million in 2022.

About Başkent EDAŞ

As one of the 3 electricity distribution companies of Enerjisa and serving more than 21 million users in 14 provinces in Türkiye together with Toroslar EDAŞ and AYEDAŞ, Başkent EDAŞ has been operating in Ankara, Bartın, Çankırı, Kastamonu, Karabük, Kırıkkale and Zonguldak since 2009.

