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News & Announcement Detail

25 Kasım 2023


  • Başkent EDAŞ is already on alert with nearly 500 field employees and more than 200 vehicles before a possible new storm hits. While the company completed its preparations before the expected storm in Zonguldak, Başkent EDAŞ deployed its teams at critical locations in the city to avoid any adverse scenarios that may occur due to a disaster.

Başkent Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (Başkent EDAŞ) has taken all precautions to avoid the possible damages of adverse weather conditions in Zonguldak, where is within the area of responsibility of the company for electricity distribution.

Thanks to its pre-winter investments and strong field personnel, Başkent EDAŞ quickly resolved the power failures last week. These failures were spread over a wide area and could have been overcome in a much longer period.

Although the company has just survived a disaster, with the full storm warning issued in the latest meteorological announcements, the Company was on alert once more and completed its preparations on Thursday and Friday.

Whilst the senior executives of the company and field employees have still been working in Zonguldak since the first day of the recent disaster, the Company became on alert again once the second storm warning was issued.

Başkent EDAŞ senior executives completed all materials missing in the warehouses due to the recent disaster and thanked the employees who arrived from the southern provinces and worked hard past week.

  • New support teams arrive

While the previous support teams returned to their provinces, Başkent EDAŞ dispatched the maximum number of new support teams that do not compromise the coordination in the field to Zonguldak.

In line with meteorological data, nearly 500 field employees and more than 200 vehicles were kept on alert in the region due to the storm expected to occur this weekend.

Heavy machinery such as bucket excavators, cranes and excavators were deployed in the region in order to support the field teams who put efforts at the higher parts of the region covered with dense forests and snow, while also struggling with floods and trees uprooted due to the storm and heavy rainfall at other parts of the region.

  • Regional preparedness for a large-scale disaster

Having all its preparations completed for the possibility of the disaster's impact area expanding to include Bartın and Kastamonu, Başkent EDAŞ continues its efforts in the region with 1128 personnel and 506 vehicles.

